Blog Post

How We Play the Game

  • By kaylajwmarnach
  • 22 Jun, 2017

When playing cards, seldom are we dealt a straight flush, four aces, or a full house. But we can still win the hand with the choices we make about what to keep and what to let go. Life is the same. When we’re dealt rough situations we still have to “deal” with it. And we can win. We’re holding all the power and the decisions are up to us, no one else. We don’t need to complain, whine, have a pity party, or blame others. We become informed of our choices, and then ACT. Doing nothing is a decision. And just like in cards, what we’re dealt is usually not what we want to keep. We want better options, so we exchange that “card” or situation, to improve our chances of winning at this game of life.

With our children, we have the same situation. We can’t change the child we’re “dealt,” but we can help them improve their choices as situations arise. And by our example they will see we are all winners regardless of the situation we find ourselves in, because we make wise choices to increase our odds of success. What “situational cards” have you been dealt that you want exchange for a “better hand”? It’s up to you whether you hold ’em, fold ’em, or run to a better deck.

Check out her books!

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By Kayla J.W. Marnach 03 Oct, 2018

Because abuse has no boundaries, nothing is more important than protecting our children. As many as 93% of the victims under the age of 18 know the abuser. Because there is no “typical” abuser, it can happen to any child in any circumstance at any time. It happens to children of the elite and well-educated, as well as the latch-key kids of struggling parents. It can happen at daycare, a friend’s home, or even under our own roof. It occurs in the exclusive neighborhoods, as well as in middle-class areas, and poverty districts. If you think it doesn’t happen in your area, then you are leaving your child vulnerable to become the next victim.

Yet, even when we do what we believe is right, our child can still be abused either mentally, physically , or emotionally. Sometimes we fail, not because we didn’t try, but because we didn’t know any better, are uninformed, or choose to avoid the topic because it’s not easy to talk about. We don’t know how to make the discussion of body boundaries a part of our daily conversation or how to take advantage of teachable moments.

That naivety and avoidance must stop…today.

As parents and caregivers, it is our responsibility—one we must never shirk—to educate ourselves on how to communicate with our children about body boundaries and what to do if abuse is threatened or occurs. When abuse is discovered, we must not shut down in shame, fear, or anger. We can’t go back and undo the event, so we must learn and move forward with greater awareness and armed with tools to prevent reoccurrence. We must be willing to provide whatever our child requires to equip them to understand, accept, and learn they are not to blame for what happened.

Today is the day to make a difference in your child’s life or a child in your care. By your commitment to protect, educate, and empower each child, you are providing a priceless treasure.

Sign up and receive a free 5-Point Plan to talk to your child about body boundaries.

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